A Bit of a Departure

So those of you who follow this blog know that Tiffany and I provide a lot of recipes, some light humor, and some mommy stuff. In the last year, we both got too busy to blog.  But then I started having health issues, and ended up going on a gluten-free diet. So I’m now blogging … Continue reading

What’s for Dinner: Monday

I’ve decided to try out a new type of post. Much of what I cook on a weekly basis is a repeat or adaptation of recipes I’ve already blogged, or sometimes a new recipe that I haven’t perfected yet. I realized that while that might not be interesting from a “I want to make this … Continue reading

On Wasting Not and Wanting Not

For as many hits as I have in the kitchen, I have more than my fair share of misses.  Sometimes things don’t work, for many reasons.  The recipe might not be the best, the ingredients might not be right, the stars aligned wrong that day, or *horror of horrors* I could have actually made a … Continue reading

Reducing Waste in Your CSA

When I mention my CSA to people, I frequently hear some version of “we used to have one but we got rid of it because we ended up wasting most of it.”  I can definitely see why someone wouldn’t want to continue paying for a CSA share if their produce was going to waste.  Let’s … Continue reading

Yogurt, Granola, and Some Thoughts on Food

Fair warning – this has nothing to do with our delightful CSA box.  I’m feeling very accomplished because I made my own yogurt and my own granola.  Then I fed it to my cloth diapered, still breastfed toddler before we went to mama/baby yoga class.  I’m just a pair of hemp underpants away from buying … Continue reading

What am I doing here?

I’ve been food blogging on and off for a while. I used to write restaurant reviews for my company newsletter that were pretty popular, and I have occasionally documented my cooking efforts. I’m a decent cook. Not spectacular, but I can follow a recipe and I can improvise, and I know some of the basic … Continue reading

How I cook

Since subscribing to the CSA, I’ve changed how I cook quite a bit. No longer am I enslaved to the ingredients in one recipe. Now I mix and match recipes and ingredients all willy-nilly. After a while you get an idea what veggies can be combined or subbed, regardless of what the recipe calls for. … Continue reading